Sunday, April 12, 2009

So Fun xD

Today, April 12 2009

Hui Shan came to my place and teached me how to dance, to my surprise I did it infront of the swimming pool! With people peeking! And I didnt even care! I cant believe I did that yet I have no regrets! xD

Also saw "'em" while practicing, didnt expect to see 'em tho... Hui Shan even pulled me to go talked to 'em, but not that he'd know, but due to my shyness (not really shyness, more like nothing to talk to) and stubburness, nothing happened...

But when he 'came' back, (snuck through the back), not that we didnt notice, it was very pointless and childish and well, curse him (Hope he falls into a drain or something more evil). Haha! xD

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