Monday, September 7, 2009

Introducing Ham Ham my pet HAMSTER!



His a naughty dwarf hamster who ate his own sister/wife, seriously...
But despite what he did, which is eating his sister's, Snowy, corpse, and I have to clean the cage and touch what's left of it, we still love him ^^, despite his hobby of biting us.

He loves to eat and always had time to poop on your hand. His cute, fluffy and cautious, he'll strike at any moment!

Here's what his been up to yesterday...


"Oooh~ I look HAWT and Mysterious!"

"This must be the BIGGEST bass guitar I have EVER seen! And I've seen one, ya know?"

"Hmmm...This must be an E... It sure SMELLS like an E!"

"I believe I can fly~, I'm the king of the world! Bow down to ME!"

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