Its on the upper side of my finger...

See that red dot? Its where I accidently slice myself...kakaka
Its probably weird to slice myself but there's a funny reason...
Ok, me and JooYee were having fun torturing...err...I mean...drawing some 'things' that were a way of releasing my evil side...kakaka... then when its time to slice of her head, er...did I say slice off her head? I mean cut the paper...hehe... I was slicing it when suddenly it stopped at her I mean, the middle part of the I continued slicing when suddely I slice my own tiny part of my finger... good thing its just dead skin or I'll be in
I guess its punishment of being so cruel to the papar drawn person? xD
Then I tore the papar into many pieces and after the final bell rang, I threw it in the big green dust bin... and I erased all the evidents! Muahahaha! xD
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